You are most likely reading this article because you wanted to find out the POTS syndrome cause. Unfortunately, the exact cause of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is still unknown.  

What researchers think about the POTS Syndrome cause

Medical practitioners are still unsure what exactly causes the reduction in blood return to the heart or the fast beating of the heart (tachycardia) that occurs in POTS  syndrome. However, researchers noticed that POTS usually occur following a major surgery, trauma, severe illness, pregnancy, impaired nerve function in the lower extremities, and after prolonged periods of fight-or-flight response. 


It is also observed that those with POTS usually have an autoimmune disease, diabetes, Lyme disease, Epstein Barr virus, and nutritional deficiencies.  


Researchers believed that there is a genetic component in the development of POTS as some people who have it have a family history of similar condition.  

If you suspect that you have POTS

An increase in heart rate in the first 10 minutes of standing, drop in blood pressure, lightheadedness, fatigue, pain in the hands and feet, and shortness of breath are some of the symptoms of POTS.  


If you suspect that you have POTS, then it’s best to see a specialist. A cardiologist or neurologist will evaluate you further to see if your symptoms fit the diagnostic criteria for POTS. 


Not knowing the POTS syndrome cause may seem scary especially if you suspect that you have it, but you have to know that this syndrome can be managed 


There are medications and non-medication treatment options to help you manage the symptoms. 


Tinou Bao via Flickr 

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