Best Cellulite Diet Advice to Reduce Cellulite Appearance
Naturally, fat and toxins come from what you eat.
By changing your diet you can erase some unsightly cellulite. There is no cure-all, quick fix cellulite diet. However, when you change your eating habits so that you are making smart choices everyday, you will fight cellulite in the long run.Top 10 Foods for Healthy Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is an integral part of our circulatory system. It is responsible for fighting infections and filtering out bacteria and several other waste products. Lymph, a clear/white fluid, is also responsible for the absorption of oxygen and nutrients by our cells. Hence, it is always a good idea to have a healthy lymphatic system for overall health and happiness.
Most Effective Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs
Looking for ways to reduce cellulite on thighs, legs and hips?
If yes, then continue to read this article.Cellulite is a deposit of cells that are made of fats, toxins, and fluids. The deposit of cellulite makes your skin looks bumpy, unattractive and dimpled.
Lymphedema and Benefits of Lymph Drainage Self Massage
An important part of the circulatory system is the lymphatic system and its job is to eradicate fluid build-up and waste products from the body. It comprises of lymph nodes that are present in several parts of the body such as the neck, under the arms and groins. After a cancer surgery, these nodes often have to be removed which causes a buildup of fluid that causes discomfort and pain. Proper lymph drainage, hence, becomes a matter of substantial importance in reducing the swelling.
Reducing Lymphedema Swelling Arm
Lymphedema is the abnormal swelling of the extremities- arms and legs- due to the damage caused to lymph nodes for reasons like mastectomy, lumpectomy, radiation therapy, accidents or severe infection. The lymphedema swelling arm and leg can however be brought under control by keeping few things in mind.
Exercises Exercising regularly is one of the key methods of restraining the advancement of lymphedema.
Best Lymphedema Arm Exercises
Women who have toned arms to flaunt are the luckiest! They can wear anything and everything and carry themselves with élan. But does it mean that Lymphedema should stop women from working on a healthy and toned arm? Definitely not. Read along to know about the best Lymphedema arm exercises.
By now, you might be familiar with Lymphedema from our lymphedema leg exercises post, as abnormal swelling in arms and legs due to the impairment in the proper circulation of lymphatic fluids.
Best Lymphedema Leg Exercises
Following a good exercise routine is the best gift that you can give to yourself. But have you ever wondered about what could be the best Lymphedema leg exercises that suit your comfort and are easy to do? Read along to know more about the perfect Lymphedema exercise program and say hello to happy legs!
Prevention and Treatment for Lymphedema After Mastectomy
Lymphedema after mastectomy is a common long term after-effect of the procedure of mastectomy (surgical removal of mammary glands/breasts) and can be really painful and discomforting to the recuperating female patient. Lymphedema can appear many months or years later after the surgery and recovery have been completed, and hence remains undetected if one is not careful enough.
Lipedema and 8 Lipedema Blogs to Follow
Lipedema or Lipoedema, not to be confused with Lymphedema, is the abnormal accumulation of fat in adipose tissues of hips, thighs, and legs (sparing the feet). Generally believed to be of a hereditary nature, Lipedema is rarely diagnosed in males and therefore seems to be a female-specific problem.