Early Signs Of Lymphedema In Legs
Posted by on 7/27/2017 to
Identifying the early signs of lymphedema in legs can help in preventing complications such as inflammation of the skin and connective tissues (a condition called cellulitis) and inflammation of the lymphatic vessels.
Lymphedema And Diabetes
Posted by on 7/19/2017 to
Having both lymphedema and diabetes increases your risk of infection. The good news is, there are ways to manage these conditions and prevent further complications.
How To Avoid Swollen Feet And Ankles In Hot Weather
Posted by on 7/12/2017 to
Swollen feet and ankles in hot weather is common. While it's not life threatening, it can be a great source of discomfort especially if you are planning to explore the outdoors. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent it from happening.
Tips On How To Get Rid Of Restless Leg
Posted by on 7/5/2017 to
‘How to get rid of restless legs’ is a question often asked by people who suffer from incessant urge to move their legs. Fortunately, there are different ways to find relief from the restless leg symptoms.
The Best Lymphatic Drainage Leg Exercises
Posted by on 6/28/2017 to
Lymphatic drainage leg exercises are a great way to reduce lymphedema. These exercises are recommended for those with fluid buildup in the lower extremities.
How Do You Know If You Have Lipedema?
Posted by on 6/21/2017 to
How do you know if you have lipedema? This is a very common query from women who suffer from lower extremity enlargement even if they are on a calorie-restricted diet and living an active lifestyle. This article outlines the different signs and symptoms of lipedema and the process on how doctors confirm the diagnosis.
The Best Exercise For Lymphatic Drainage
Posted by on 6/9/2017 to
Rebounding is considered as the best exercise for lymphatic drainage as it only takes a few minutes each day to stimulate millions of one-way valves that make up the lymphatic system.
Vitamin Supplementation For Lipedema
Posted by on 5/31/2017 to
Vitamin supplementation is part of the conservative management for conditions like lipedema and lymphedema. This post outlines some of the most recommended vitamins for lipedema.
RAD Diet For Lipedema
Posted by on 5/26/2017 to
RAD diet for lipedema is a helpful guide to help alleviate the symptoms of the condition and prevent lipedema-related complications down the road.
How To Cleanse The Lymphatic System
Posted by on 5/15/2017 to
The lymphatic system is a vital system in the body. Aside from protecting the body from infections, it also plays a role in the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. This is why it's crucial to know how to cleanse the lymphatic system.