12 Weight Loss Blogs with Cellulite Advice
In all our previous posts, we greatly emphasized upon the importance of weight loss in cellulite reduction. But it is often the case that we lose motivation mid-way or get confused by the myriad do’s and don’ts listed on the web.
If you are also stuck in the same rut then we have something for you! In this post, we will talk about 12 useful weight loss blogs that will give you sound advice on kicking that stubborn fat off your body while keeping you motivated and raring to go.
Best Tips to Get Rid of Cellulite in Legs Quickly
In our previous blogs we have been stressing on the need for hard work and dedication in following cellulite workout routines. But what will you do if you have an upcoming event in a few weeks and you have missed your exercises for quite some time? You might be stressing over how to get rid of cellulite in legs in such a short period of time?
Effective Stop Cellulite Workout
Ask any fitness expert how do they fight cellulite and still manage to stay so young and healthy, the answer without any doubt would be the perfect cellulite workout.
Cellulite is nothing more than a layer of stubborn fat which, with proper diet and exercise plan, can be brought under control.
Best Natural Home Remedies for Cellulite
‘Cellulite’, the dreaded c-word is enough to shatter the bikini body fantasy of any woman. This is perhaps the only dimpled-look that every woman would reject at once. But what exactly is cellulite? And like all beauty problems, are there any home remedies for cellulite removal?
Manual Lymph Drainage Overview for Lymphedema
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a gentle but specialised form of massage technique to stimulate the circulation of lymphatic fluid in the affected area.
There are a lot of MLD methods like Casely-Smith, Fӧldi, Vodder or Leduc which are helpful in reducing the swelling effectively.
Common Lymphedema Symptoms after Breast Cancer
By now we all are familiar with lymphedema as the abnormal lymphatic swelling in arms or legs, however another aspect of it which we have not touched upon is the case of lateral lymphedema. What is it? and What are the common lymphedema symptoms associated with this?