Pain, Soreness, and Swelling After Liposuction Surgery
The use of liposuction compression garments is often prescribed to patients after liposuction surgery as pain, soreness, and swelling are expected after the procedure.
The quality and intensity of pain depends on the type of anesthesia being used. If local anesthesia is given, pain usually persists for 12 to 24 hours and the quality can be likened to sunburn. Hence, there’s no need for strong pain medications other than acetaminophen.
Patients given with general anesthesia before the surgery typically feels more pain as the anesthetic masks the damage of the tissues. As a result, the patient wakes up with severe pain that usually takes several days to subside. Narcotic analgesics are often prescribed for patients who had the surgery under general anesthesia.
Soreness and swelling gradually subsides. You will notice less soreness and swelling 4 to 8 weeks after the surgery.
Managing Pain After Liposuction Surgery
Pain management after surgery is important as it affects your speed of recovery. The following are some of the ways on how you can manage your pain following a liposuction surgery:
1. Make use of non-medication pain control techniques
When used with other pain control strategies, non-pharmacological pain techniques can be effective means for reducing pain after the surgery.
Some of these non-medication pain control techniques include:
- Breathing exercises Slow, deep breathing can help reduce pain as it has a direct effect on the sympathetic nervous system. In a study conducted to a group of women with fibromyalgia, it shows that by taking half the amount of normal breaths, the women experience less pain.
- Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is another non-pharmacologic technique for managing pain. Some essential oils are effective in reducing pain as they promote increased blood flow to the area. These essential oils include marjoram, lavender, and chamomile.
- Guided Imagery Guided imagery is a pain management technique on which you are directed to a relaxed, focused state through directed thoughts and suggestions.
2. Take the pain medications as prescribed
Pain medications are typically prescribed after the liposuction surgery. Depending on the type of anesthesia given, you may be prescribed with just acetaminophen or stronger type of pain medicine. In order for these drugs to work, you must take them as prescribed.
3. Wear liposuction compression garments
Wearing of liposuction compression garments can help in managing pain after the surgery. However, it must be done together with the open-drainage technique. These garments are effective in relieving pain as they promote drainage of anesthetic solution and restrict movement of the operative site.
Bioflect has a wide range of high quality compression garments that offer comfortable compression. These garments promote blood circulation and thus, are perfect for pain relief.
Check out the complete collection of Bioflect therapy garments here.